Make Windows easier to use!
An easier way to use Windows 11!
Fed up trying to find items you use in Windows, among a cluttered desktop and Start menu?
Just want your applications in one place, ready to launch?
Lots of icons on your desktop?
Want to skip the adverts and Start menu clutter?
Find those minutes and seconds trying to find items on your computer building up?
Looking for an application launcher that does not get in your way, or try to take over your computer?
Make modern versions of Windows easier to use using our application launcher, PittLaunch.
Click here to download a free trial!
Get work done by having the items you use on your PC or laptop quickly and easily available - no fuss, no hassle.
Our latest version (1.1.) is available!
Improvements include the option to minimize/hide the PittLaunch each time you run an application, customising titlebar caption, more options to customise the PittLaunch Start menu, displaying tabs on multiple lines and other improvements to help make Windows 10 or Windows 11 easier to use!
Quick to set up and get started!
Drag and drop the items into the PittLaunch window, or select them from a list.
Quickly customise and set up for your way of working.
They'll then be quickly and easily available to use within the application launcher.
You can be using PittLaunch to launch your applications within a few minutes!
Launch applications your way.
Always have the PittLaunch window visible on your desktop, so the applications you use are quickly and easily available.
There's also a range of options to customise PittLaunch to work exactly how YOU prefer to launch applications - including changing between single/double click, and much more!
Ideal for business and personal use.
Whether you are a small business wanting to set up the applications your staff need, or want to make Windows easier to use on your home PC or laptop, PittLaunch will help you get your work done, and make Windows easier to use.
Product support!
Have a question on using PittLaunch? Something you'd like to see in future versions of the software?
Product support and help, direct from the developer!
No chatbots, no "copy and paste" answers, and no outsourced call centres.
Contact Simon with any questions, comments or suggestions at:
Only £25 and includes 3 months product support (direct from the developer) - and updates to any new version that may be released during that time.
Try for free for 31 days - no obligations, no spyware, no nasty surprises - you don't even need to provide an e-mail address!