The PittLaunch System Menu
Are you fed up of trying to find all the various system options?
The System menu in PittLaunch places many of the system options in one place, so they are easy to find and access.
You no longer need to go looking through different screens to find the shut down option, or struggle to look for the Windows Control Panel.
Options in the System menu include:
Web Browser - open your default web browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, etc.) so you can start browsing the web.
Run - opens the Windows run option to you can type in the name of a command, application or file to run.
Search Files - opens the Windows option to search for files on your computer matching a particular filename, or containing particular words/phrases within the file.
Command Line - this one is for more advanced users, and opens the Windows command line.
Windows Control Panel - opens the control panel so you can change system settings.
Log Off - logs off the current user.
Shut Down Computer - displays the Windows options for shutting down the computer (this will include offering the option to restart the computer or put the computer on standby instead of completely shutting down).
As all the above options access system options, if you need further information, you may wish to check the Windows help and documentation.
All the system options also include a shortcut key (F2 to F12) which you can also use to access those system options - e.g. to open the search file option, press F5 from within PittLaunch.
This menu also contains an option to exit PittLaunch (you can run PittLaunch again at any time).
If you haven't already, you can try PittLaunch for free for up to 31 days and try these options for yourself!
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