PittLaunch Start and Desktop Menus
In the top left corner of PittLaunch, the first two menus you will see are the Start and Desktop menus.
These give you quick and easy access to the Windows Start menu and desktop items.
Start menu
The Start menu within PittLaunch provides you with quick and easy access to the items within your Windows start menu.
The menu that is displayed is similar to the menu from earlier versions of Windows (e.g. Windows XP and Windows 98).
This menu can be useful if there are applications you don't use often (and have therefore not added a shortcut in PittLaunch) that you wish to run, or you don't want to use the Start menu in the latest versions of Windows.
Items are displayed alphabetically, and PittLaunch attempts to tidy up the Start menu, including:
- Removing any uninstall links, readme files, etc. so you only see shortcuts for essential items (e.g. the actual applications).
- Where a folder/sub-menu only contains one item, that folder is not displayed, and the item within the sub-menu is moved up a level.
- You can also customise the Start menu further from the Options menu, and display shortcuts for applications only, tidying up the Start menu even further.
The aim is to make the PittLaunch Start menu less cluttered, and easier to find items.
This menu has the same items as the Windows Start menu (with the above exceptions) - when you install a new application and its added to the Windows Start menu, it will therefore also appear in the PittLaunch Start menu.
Desktop menu
The Desktop menu lists all the shortcuts on your Windows desktop.
This can be useful if there are lots of Windows open at the moment, and you want to access an item on your desktop without hiding the windows on your screen.
Its also useful if you want to see an alphabetical list of items on your desktop.
Are there items you use regularly?
Both menus are good for accessing items you don't use that often, but still want to easily access.
If you find you are launching items from the PittLaunch Start and Desktop menus on a regular basis, you might want to create a shortcut for those items within PittLaunch, so they are easier to access!
Remember PittLaunch can help you reduce desktop clutter, so if you find you have too many items on your desktop, use the different tabs/categories within PittLaunch to organise your shortcuts.
Need further help?
If you have any questions regarding the Start or Desktop menus, adding shortcuts or using PittLaunch in general, contact us at: support@pittlaunch.co.uk